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Text File | 1998-10-22 | 2.0 KB | 38 lines | [Test/MSpl] |
- aboutabout, as in, she was now about two inches high
- aboveabove, as in, up above the clouds so high
- acrossacross, as in, she ran across the field after the butterfligh
- afterafter, as in, you will not have dessert until after dinner
- againstagainst, as in, be careful not to brush against the poison ivy
- amongamong, as in, This speech caused a remarkable sensation among the party
- aroundaround, as in, we took a walk around the block
- atat, as in, she looked down at her feet
- beforebefore, as in, turn off the light before you go to bed
- behindbehind, as in, make sure to get behind the last person in line
- belowbelow, as in, high a-top the mount-tin, he could see the valley below
- beneathbeneath, as in, you will find many bugs beneath the rock
- besidebeside, as in, I had my friend stand beside me to see who was taller
- betweenbetween, as in, a grilled cheese is cheese between two slices of bread
- byby, as in, the coat rack is by the door
- downdown, as in, in the winter, we sled down the hill
- duringduring, as in, we played during recess
- exceptexcept, as in, we all played socker except for the teacher
- forfor, as in, I washed the car for my dad
- inin, as in, the dog belongs in the dog house
- insideinside, as in, when it's raining we go inside the house
- intointoo, as in, the train went intoo the tunnel
- likelike, as in, a bat is very much like a mouse
- nearnear, as in, a large rose tree stood near the entrance of the garden
- ofof, as in, the store is a mile west of here
- offoff, as in, get off my foot
- onon, as in, get on the bus
- overover, as in, jump over the puddle
- sincesince, as in, I have played the piano since I was eight
- throughthrough, as in, put the thread through the eye of the needle
- totoo, as in, I'm going too the beach
- towardtoward, as in, I hear you better when you turn toward me
- underunder, as in, the floor should be under the roof
- untiluntil, as in, we waited until the cows came home
- upup, as in, I climbed up the ladder
- withwith, as in, will you come with me to the store?
- withinwithin, as in, you might find a pearl within an oister